Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Using War of Kings Crisis Cards


Welcome to another Atomic Mass Games Transmission! The upcoming release of CA13, War of Kings Character and Crisis Card Pack, brings 10 new Crisis Cards to Marvel: Crisis Protocol! With these new crises comes new ways to play! Each of the Secure Crisis Cards in this pack has a paired Extract Crisis Card, creating 5 themed pairs that recreate 5 different scenarios from the War of Kings storyline.

Each of these Crisis Cards also offers another option for normal play. With more than 15 of each Secure and Extract Cards, there are more than 200 combinations. That variety helps each game feel unique and memorable.

Unlike normal play, games played using the Challenger format impose additional restrictions on the Crisis Cards available for play. In a competitive event like Challenger where players play rounds until a winner is determined, players are incentivized to take a set of Crisis Cards that play similar to each other in their Roster so that the rest of their Roster can be optimized around those play styles. The restrictions on which Crisis Cards can be taken are there to break up this optimization and encourage more varied play styles. Here are the Crisis Cards that will be legal in the Standard Timeline following the release of the War of Kings Crisis Cards:

  • Alien Ship Crashes in Downtown!
  • Cosmic Invasion! Black Order Descends on Earth
  • Deadline to Destruction
  • Deadly Legacy Virus Cured?
  • Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians
  • Fear Grips World As “Worthy” Terrorize Cities
  • Guardians Save Shi’ar Empress in Style
  • Infinity Formula Goes Missing!
  • Inhumans Deploy Advanced Weaponry
  • Intrusions Open Across City as Seals Collapse
  • Mayor Fisk Vows to Find Missing Witnesses
  • M’Kraan Crystal Gets Heroes Home
  • Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators!
  • Mutant Madman Turns City Into Lethal Amusement Park
  • Riots Spark Over Extremis 3.0
  • Scientific Samples Found in Discovered Universe
  • Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership
  • Spider-Infected Invade Manhattan
  • Struggle for the Cube Continues
  • Super-Powered Scoundrels Form Sinister Syndicate!
  • Terrigen Canisters Fuel Doomsday Device
  • The Montesi Formula Found
  • Unexpected Guests Crash Royal Wedding
  • Wedding Party Targeted in Terrible Attack!

This list can also be found in the Challengers Web Document on the Marvel: Crisis Protocol Organized Play page.

Ship Security Breached in Royal Rescue is not being included in the Standard Timeline because it was designed to pair with Guardians Save Shi’ar Empress in Style, and the effect of the Crisis Card is not interesting enough when it is paired with a Secure Crisis Card that does not have an Interact ability.

Demons Downtown!, Has Our Comeuppance Come Due?, Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest, and Research Station Attacked! are excluded from the Standard Timeline because they allow for too much optimization toward a strategy that prioritizes attacking over movement. Similarly, Strike Team Secures Shield Relay!, Portals Overrun City with Spider-People!, S.W.O.R.D. Establishes Base On Moon’s Blue Area, and Paranoia Pummels Populace! are excluded from the Standard Timeline because they allow for too much optimization towards a strategy that prioritizes movement over attacking.

Thanks for joining us today, and hopefully this answers all questions about the Crisis Cards for War of Kings Card Pack. This card pack is available at your local game store or through the webstore. Find all your favorite characters and stay tuned for additional exciting upcoming releases!

Until next time, Atomic Mass Games, signing off!