Today’s Star Wars™: Shatterpoint preview features one of the standout units of specialized forces deployed during the Clone Wars, the Advanced Recon Force, led by CT-411, a Clone Commander better known as “Ponds.”
For those who enjoy replicating historical squads, Commander Ponds and the ARF Clone Troopers are the perfect choice to accompany Jedi Master Mace Windu, as they did so ably in the Clone Wars. Together with Jedi Master Windu, Ponds and his ARF Clone Troopers participated in a number of key battles, including retaking the Twi’lek homeworld of Ryloth, as well as seeing action on Geonosis and Malastare.
As a Recon commander, Ponds is well suited to getting his soldiers to a forward position and keeping them safe while seizing the tactical advantage. His Forward Scout innate ability facilitates flexible forward deployment to coordinate with primary units like Jedi Master Mace Windu. Incoming grants immunity to being Exposed to nearby troopers with Hunker tokens, which clone troopers will often benefit from thanks to Defensive Maneuver. Every activation, his Charge tactic allows him to clear the way for an allied character to Dash forward.
In battle, Ponds utilizes his Superior Recon stance to fight as a versatile combatant, preferring firing at range with his blaster rifle, but he is nearly as formidable firing his blaster pistols point blank when engaging in melee. His Combat Tree can deal respectable damage and includes tactical options to Reposition himself, or to Shove, Disarm, or Pin his target.
The Phase II Clone Armor employed by Ponds, ARF Troopers, and many other clone troopers is a lighter armor intended to maximize maneuverability but provides some protection from glancing shots. The Advance Recon Force relies primarily on being in the right place at the right time and using terrain to their advantage, hunkering down to protect from enemy fire as they scout forward to seize objectives.
Having endured similar but even more extensive training as counterparts like the 212th Clone Troopers, ARF Clone Troopers also benefit from Defensive Maneuver to accelerate an advance and hunker down. They support one another as Brothers in Arms to receive Steadfast from Hunker tokens, and as mentioned also gain Immunity to being Exposed if close to Commander Ponds. Coordinated Fire allows them to work together to Expose an enemy and bring them down. Their intensive recon training gives them the benefit of Lay Low from hunkered positions, gaining even greater defensive benefits against ranged attacks.
The distinct role of the ARF Clone Troopers can be better understood by looking at their Recon Force stance. While primarily a ranged unit with particularly high accuracy, ARF Troopers can competently engage in melee when pressed. Their Combat Tree emphasizes tactical options over pure damage output but can still deliver punishing shots, also gaining early access to inflicting the Pin and Shove conditions, and the choice of Exposing or Disarming the target. That’s our first look at Commander Ponds and the ARF Clone Troopers, soldiers who stand ready to accompany Jedi leaders like Mace Windu on their missions, scouting ahead into hostile territory and paving the way for reinforcements.
Make sure to check back for our next Star Wars: Shatterpoint Unit preview, where we give you a first look at how your favorite characters from the Star Wars galaxy translate into the gameplay of Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Pre-order your own copy of the This Party’s Over Squad Pack at your local game store or through the webstore today. Until next time, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!
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