It’s important to have thick skin. Just ask the subject of today’s Panel to Play, the man who’s willing to charge headlong into any situation: it’s the human avatar of armored assault, Rhino!
Aleksei Sytsevich began his career as a simple thug in the Russian Mafia with high hopes of quick cash. Tempted by the promises of wealth and power, he agreed to undergo a risky procedure to transform him into his boss’ personal weapon. A powerful suit of armor was modeled after a rhinoceros’s hide and permanently bonded to his flesh. But playing pawn didn’t suit the aptly-named Rhino, and Aleksei chose to rampage not for the mafia, but for himself.
Rhino crashes onto the tabletop as a 4 Threat steamroller. His large Size of 4 and Short movement may look like he’s not going to be able to grab much cover or cover a lot of ground… but looks can be deceiving.
His basic attack, Gore, is a Strength 5 Physical attack. Rhino builds up momentum by charging at his target, and this attack has a special rule that lets you place him within Range 1 of his target before doing damage to represent this short dash. While it’s his only traditional attack, Gore is not the only way Rhino can dish out damage.
First, Rhino can change that short charge into an all-out rush with his Stampede superpower. Rushing forward, Rhino moves Medium distance and clobbers through interactive terrain of Size 2 or less. If he follows this up with a Gore attack, he adds 2 dice to the attack roll to represent the added momentum of his headlong charge.
He can also hit distant targets with Nobody Ever Accused the Rhino of Good Manners. Picking up terrain of Size 4 or less, Rhino can use his enhanced strength to hurl the object at a target within a Medium distance.
Aleksei also isn’t known for having an even temperament, as represented in game with the one-two punch of the Aggressive and Ornery superpowers. Aggressive helps to make up for his lower movement speed. As with other characters who have this superpower, whenever an attack targeting Rhino deals damage, he can advance Short toward the attacker. Adding to the attacker’s woe, Ornery represents Rhino getting more and more riled up from attacks: when he is damaged by an allied or enemy effect, after the attack Rhino gains 1 Power if he isn’t Dazed.
With all the attention he’s going to draw, it’s a good thing Rhino has a beefy 7 Stamina. What’s even better is that the suit fused to his body offers him some ablative armor. The Rhino Hide innate superpower lets Rhino reduce the damage he suffers from an enemy effect by 1, to a minimum of 1—letting the angry megafauna-themed villain stay in the fight even longer!
That’s all for our first look at the man who really puts the “crash” into “what is a group of rhinos called?” Be sure to check back in the future for yet another installment of From Panel to Play, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters transition to the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Pre-order your copy of the Rhino Character Pack at your local game store or through the webstore today!
Until next time, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!
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