Ororo Munroe, also known as the X-Man Storm, is a mutant with the rare and powerful ability to control the weather. Growing up as an orphan and pickpocket on the streets of Cairo, she had a run-in with Charles Xavier early on when she tried to steal from him. In the following years, Storm discovered her powers, traveled across the continent, and finally settled into her mother’s Kenyan homeland where she was worshipped as a goddess.
Xavier returned to Ororo’s life years later when his X-Men helped her to defeat a hostile mutant. Learning of her powers, Xavier offered her a role among his elite team taking the codename Storm. Storm is a capable leader and expert combatant, skills that she has put to good use against foes like the Brotherhood of Mutants. She is believed to be an Omega-level mutant, one of a small handful of the most powerful mutants alive.
Storm’s miniature is dramatic and striking. Hovering off the ground in a field of lightning, her windblown appearance captures the majesty of the Goddess of Storms. The jagged lightning contrasts against the organic shapes of Storm, and the dynamic movement in her hair and cape only helps to highlight the calm and stillness of her posture.
Storm is a potent addition to any roster, with a diverse set of attacks and powers that can help tackle many different situations. Her weather-manipulation abilities act to bolster her allies and devastate her foes.
On the offense, Storm has her pick of three different powers, each tailored to a different situation. Her Lightning Strike energy attack has a respectable Range 4, hits at Strength 4, and has a chance to impose the Shock special condition if the attack roll produces any wild results. She calls down a bolt of lightning to fry and rattle her target, leaving it less likely to harm her team.
When Storm finds herself boxed in by foes, she can always rely on one of her other attacks, Hurricane. Whipping the winds into a frenzy, this area attack throws out 5 dice, ignores line of sight and cover, and can bring flying opponents crashing down to the ground for additional damage. Storm’s mastery of the winds is so precise that she can avoid harming any of her allies as she batters her enemies with the gale of her attack.
As one of the most potent mutants alive, Storm needed a set of super powers that represented her incredible power. The Eye of the Storm represents Ororo at her most focused and furious when she directs the full force of weather control against a target. For 3 Power, she adds 2 additional dice to her next attack action… perfect for when she wants a hurricane to put a stop to the fighting right away.
Storm often wreathes herself in fog, downpour, and lightning, and her Goddess of Storms innate power represents how difficult it is to even see her amid the inclement weather. Thanks to this power, enemies must be within Range 3 of Storm to target her with attacks.
But Ororo Munroe is much more than just lightning, hurricanes, and heavy rains. As an X-Man, she has demonstrated her natural ability to lead others, even taking charge of the Gold Team of X-Men. Her Leadership ability X-Men Gold allows her to coordinate the movements of her allies, allowing a character to be placed within Range 1 of a nearby ally once per turn, as well as granting cover in the form of mists and fog to any character targeted from more than Range 2 away.
Storm is a powerful team member for any group and has many other tricks up her sleeves, but that’s all we have time for today. Be sure to check back next time for another installment of From Panel to Play.
Until then, Atomic Mass Transmissions, out!
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