With Con season underway, we want to clarify how to participate in demos with AMG! We know your time at any event is precious and that is why we want to be transparent with you about how our system works so that you can make plans early and give yourself your best shot to try out our games!
What events will AMG be attending and where will demos be held?
GenCon – Booth 809
Essen – TBD
PAX Unplugged – TBD
When are demos being held and how do I sign up?
As soon as the hall opens, we will be handing out tickets for demos that day. You will not be able to choose a demo time, but can trade with other attendees if you would like. You should not wait to come by if you want to prioritize nabbing a ticket. Each ticket is good for 1 or 2 people, who will demo the game together as “one player” of the two-player game.
How long does it take to demo?
The demo experience takes about 30 – 45 minutes.
What should I do to be ready for my demo?
Please return to the AMG booth 5-10 minutes before your assigned time. You do not need anything except your ticket to participate. Note: If you miss your assigned time by more than 5 min, we will give your spot to someone in the standby line.
What if I lose my ticket?
If you lose your ticket and do not have a photo of your ticket, you will have to join the standby line, space permitting.
How does the Standby Line work?
Space permitting, we will allow a few standbys for each demo time. You may join the standby line 10 min before the demo time. If a ticket holder does not show up within 5 minutes of their start time, we will pull from the standby line to fill the demos. Once all spots for the time are filled, we will clear the standby lines, until 10 min before the next demo.
I’m a retailer or press outlet. Are there any additional opportunities for us to experience Star Wars: Shatterpoint?
Please reach out to marketing@atomicmassgames.com for all press and retailer onboarding opportunities.
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