With thousands of planets under its control, the Galactic Empire often employed specialized units at local garrisons to respond to unrest and insurrections. Composed of the toughest troopers who distinguished themselves from the normal rank and file, these soldiers were known for their heavy-handed tactics and brutal methods. They were armed with shields that could be used to redirect attacks and stun batons to bring an enemy to their knees. Often found at the front line, these units were always at the center of the action. Raise your shield and prepare for contact as we take a closer look at Imperial Riot Control Troopers for Star Wars™: Legion.
Bolstering the ranks of Imperial armies, Riot Control Squads are a corps unit of four trooper miniatures. They have a relatively straightforward unit card, with a profile that reflects that of their fellow stormtroopers. Coming in at 50 points, this unit has 1 Health per miniature and 1 Courage. Riot Control Squads have two important keywords that greatly increase their effectiveness on the battlefield. The first of these is Charge. After the unit performs a move action, it may perform a free melee attack action. That means that the Riot Control Squad will be able to attack as soon as they make contact with traitorous Rebel scum, and will be aided by characters like Director Krennic, who have the Compel keyword. The unit also has a brand new keyword, aptly named Hold the Line! This keyword strengthens the Riot Control Squad once they are engaged, giving them Surge to Hit and Surge to Block. While already a powerful force on the battlefield, read on to see how else they can affect your games of Star Wars: Legion!
Equipped with all the hallmarks of Imperial Stormtroopers, Riot Control Squads have a few upgrades reminiscent of their elite brethren. The first of these is the E-11 Blaster Rifle. At range 3, this weapon uses a single white attack die, but the unit shines when attacking with Stun Batons. Though it only uses a single black attack die, Hold The Line means it’s always Surging to Hit, and Suppressive means that the Riot Control Squads are potentially taking away critical action economy from other trooper units. Finally, this unit has red defense dice when attacked, representing the solid protection derived from their iconic plastoid armor.
The Riot Control Squad unit card has several upgrade slots to round out their utility. Due to their relatively low courage, commanders may take advantage of their training slot to equip Endurance, which will help the unit shed suppression as they make their way to the front. Tenacity also works well with the Riot Control Squad, as they will likely lose a miniature as they close the distance! Their gear slot may be used for a few useful options. Recon Intel could be equipped to get them into the action quicker, whereas environmental gear could ensure they can move through even the most difficult of terrain. But their final slots are where the unit’s most exciting upgrades can be equipped!
A pair of new upgrade cards complete the Imperial Riot Control Squad. The first of these is an imposing set of KX-Series Security Droids. This Heavy Weapon card adds two KX-Series Droid miniatures to the unit, giving access to two of these intimidating enforcers to guarantee the quick dispatch of any rabble-rousing population. While they can shoot the unit’s E-11 Blasters, they bring a mighty single red attack die in melee. Their weapons also have Impact 1, helping the unit break through harder targets and armor. The Riot Control Squad can also bring a Stormtrooper Marksman. If the unit is not engaged, you can choose an unengaged enemy trooper unit in line of sight. Roll one red attack die. If the result is a surge or critical, the chosen unit gains 1 wound and 1 suppression token. This weapon brings a high-powered addition to what is already a fearsome package and will ensure the safety and security of the Empire.
If you have a rebellion that needs to be crushed, make sure to pre-order your copy of the Imperial Riot Control Squad unit expansion at your local game store or through the webstore today. Be sure to check back later for yet another installment of From Scene to Stats, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters transition to the tabletop in Star Wars: Legion.
Until next time, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off.
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