Star Wars: Legion Roadmap & Updates Recap

Find out what’s next for Star Wars: Legion, featuring Simone Elliott, Will Pagani, Andrew Dursum, and Marco Sergovia.
Updates, Cards & Art Reveals:
- Geonosian Warriors are on the way! Spoiled cards for Force Pike Warrior, Geonosian Warrior, and Sonic Cannon Warrior.
- Sun Fac and Poggle the Lesser miniatures and cards revealed.
- Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister Cards Revealed
New Product Reveals:
- Clone Commandos Confirmed – DELTA SQUAD is on the way!
- Range Troopers
The Far Future New Sculpt Reveals:
- LM-432 Crab Droid
- Rebel Saboteurs
Hard Plastic Re-Sculpting Future:
- A major Legion project is we are working to resculpt all old soft plastic releases to hard plastic.
- Re-sculpts are scheduled to begin dropping in stores in 2025.
- Rebel Commandos, Stormtroopers, Luke, Leia, and Vader re-sculpts were shown.
Special Operations Announcement
Watch the full panel here!
New Battleforces:
Watch the full panel here!