In this installment of our Team Tactics Talk, we’re looking at the three new cards that come in the Amazing Spider-Man & Black Cat Character Pack.
It’s no secret that Felicia and Peter make a powerhouse duo. Black Cat is one of the few people able to keep up with Spider-Man’s acrobatic style, and The Cat & The Spider proves the usefulness of their combined agility. When Peter Parker (as the Amazing Spider-Man or otherwise) is within Range 2 of an allied Black Cat, they can both spend 1 Power to use this tactic. Parker proceeds to turn Felicia into a gymnastic web-a-pult projectile, throwing her Medium range. A Black Cat always lands on her feet, of course, so she doesn’t suffer collision damage from the throw and can immediately interact with objective tokens without spending Power!
We’ve talked about Team Tactics that give you new movement options before, but The Cat & The Spider adds another level of utility with that extra interact action. It not only extends the range of your board control but gives you the chance to snag an objective in an extract mission before your opponent knows what’s happening.
The next tactic, Aunt May’s Wheat Cakes, is a Web Warrior tactic that demonstrates the power of starting your day with a good breakfast. Parker’s doting aunt knows that these cakes of buckwheat and whole wheat flour, with some buttermilk and molasses, are not only Peter Parker’s favorite, but they have what it takes to keep a good Web Warrior in the fight. This tactic allows any Web Warriors to spend 1 Power to remove the Slow special condition and one damage immediately.
Most of the Web Warriors rely on their impressive Movement speed, and being limited to the Short movement tool can be a monkey-wrench in your plans. Being able to shut the condition down on your whole team is a handy tool to have in your back pocket, and removing damage is just icing on the (wheat) cake.
Lastly, the Spider-Tracker tactic is another display of Peter Parker’s engineering genius. These small devices adhere to whatever Spider-Man throws them at—including witless goons who end up leading him right back to their hideout! In-game, Spider-Tracker gives you a useful off-turn movement. When an enemy character ends a move within Range 4 of an allied Web Warrior, that character can spend 2 Power to use the tactic, advancing a Short distance.
There are a lot of different ways Spider-Tracker can be useful in a game. Is there a heavy-hitting enemy character closing in on one of your vulnerable Web Warriors? Thanks to the Spider-Tracker, you’ll know when they’re coming and be able to move a short distance away and hopefully out of range of an attack. Is one of your foes closing in on a vulnerable objective? With the Spider-Tracker, you’ll know where they’re headed and can move in to contest the point. Forgot where you parked? Spider-Tracker!
That’s it for the cards in The Amazing Spider-Man & Black Cat Character Pack, but be sure to check back for more Team Tactics Talk on other Character Packs. Don’t forget you can preorder your copy of The Amazing Spider-Man & Black Cat at your local gaming store or through our website.
Until next time, this is Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!
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