When it comes time for you to choose a personal attorney, are you going to pick the first name in the phonebook, or would you prefer the super-powered vigilante who has a legion of devoted ninjas at his beck and call? That’s right, this time on From Panel to Play we’re taking a look at what happens when the Man Without Fear becomes the Man in Charge of a Secretive Organization of Martial Artists… it’s Shadowland Daredevil and his Hand Ninjas!
Matt Murdock acted as the Guardian Devil of Hell’s Kitchen for many years, but that responsibility took a heavy toll on him. Following Bullseye’s destruction of a portion of the borough he protected, Daredevil finally accepted an offer from a mysterious cult called The Hand to serve as its leader. Daredevil returned to his city to construct the Shadowland, a temple and prison from which he and his army of ninjas enact brutal justice against wrongdoers.
As the leader of The Hand and master of Shadowland, Daredevil’s methods become increasingly brutal and extreme, putting him at odds with many of the fellow protectors of the streets who he once called friends. With an army to support him, few can oppose Daredevil as he plunges Hell’s Kitchen into darkness.
Though Murdock wasn’t aware of it at the time, accepting The Hand’s invitation to lead them invited the demonic “Beast” into his spirit. While it delivered great power into Daredevil’s hands, it also darkened his soul.
Shadowland Daredevil hits the table for 4 Threat and has more powers and abilities than you can shake a stick at.
His Coordinated Strike attack depicts Daredevil as the head of a shadowy cult of Hand Ninjas. As he moves in to attack, he can summon his Grunt: a Hand Ninjas character that springs from the shadows to land within Range 1 of him. While the Hand Ninjas deploy with an Activated token, they immediately become a part of your squad, ready to do Daredevil’s (and the Beast’s) bidding. If Murdock needs to tangle with an enemy who is trying to keep their distance, the Baton Snare attack can quickly tip the scales back in his favor. Ignoring Line of Sight and the target’s cover, this Range 4 attack has the Pursuit special rule, letting Daredevil make a short advance before dealing damage.
And Daredevil wants to get close, especially if he has Hand Ninjas near his target. That’s when he can unleash the full fury of The Beast with Demon’s Devastation, a Range 2 attack that hits at Strength 7. Better yet, as the Beast guides Murdock to tear into his opponent, a nearby Ninja can get a few pokes in as well, upping the attack’s Strength to 9! After hitting, Daredevil has a chance to vanish into the shadows to be placed within Range 2 of the target.
Demon’s Devastation only becomes more powerful as Daredevil gets wounded. After he’s Dazed, the attack transforms, becoming a Mystic attack. Murdock also picks up the There is Only the Beast active superpower, allowing him to pay 2 extra Power to cause the attack to become an Area attack!
As far as other superpowers go, Daredevil has all the wall-crawling, stealthy, radar-sensing abilities you’d expect from the Man Without Fear. What you might not expect is his new Leadership ability for the Criminal Syndicate affiliation, Shadow War. This leadership allows the criminals (and ninjas! Don’t forget the ninjas!) under his command to strike those who stand in his way with greater fury. When a member of the affiliation attacks a character holding or contesting an objective, they can reroll a die—even a failure!
And about those ninjas… the Hand Ninjas are Grunts who lash out with their weapons to open bleeding wounds. Their ninja training grants them a variety of abilities, such as Ninja Vanish, an active superpower that allows them to transfer an objective token to a nearby friendly character, or Ninja Ambush, which allows them to make an immediate attack when they are summoned to the battlefield.
That’s all for our first look at the Man Without Fear (but also the Man with a Bunch of Ninjas). Be sure to check back for yet another installment of From Panel to Play, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters transition to the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Pre-order your own copy of the Shadowland Daredevil and Elektra Character Pack at your local game store or through our webstore today. Until then, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!
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