Nathaniel Essex brings sinister new Team Tactics to Marvel: Crisis Protocol in the upcoming Mister Sinister Character Pack. His rather… aggressive views on evolutionary theory and sample gathering are front and center with the two new tactics Mister Sinister will bring to your game.
The first tactic, Forced Extraction, demonstrates how unethical this scientist can be in pursuit of a breakthrough. Sinister forcibly takes genetic samples from members of his own crisis team in order to fuel his research. For 1 Power, this unaffiliated card lets Sinister claim a Genetic Sample token from up to three allied characters within Range 3. Such a vigorous extraction is going to leave a mark, however, so the chosen characters each take 1 damage.
Genetic Samples fuel some of Mister Sinister’s most potent abilities, but getting them usually requires him to get up close and personal with the opposing crisis team. This tactic lets you work around that limitation. You can play this tactic early on, loading Sinister up with a stack of samples to empower a powerful Recombinant Disintegration in his first activation! Although the good doctor might have an even more terrifying use for these samples…
Using his talent as a master geneticist, Sinister has created numerous clones throughout the decades. Now he brings the power of his engineered clones to the tabletop with the Cloning Banks tactic. While the petty battles of mortals play out during a crisis, Sinister patiently collects the samples he needs to produce his next genetic masterpiece!
Cloning Banks is an unusual tactic that an allied Mister Sinister can play during the Cleanup Phase. Rather than being discarded, the cloning bank is placed to the side. During each Cleanup Phase, Sinister can place Genetic Sample tokens from his card into the cloning bank, amassing material for a new creation.
During a Power Phase, Sinister can use those banked samples to put an unused character from your roster into place fresh from the cloning vat! The character can have a Threat Value equal to half the samples used or lower, is placed within Range 1 of Sinister, and begins with 3 Power.
Combining Forced Extraction with Cloning Banks can let you get a Threat 2 character like Black Widow or Nebula into play in a short amount of time. Or you can build up your creation over the course of the game, unleashing an even more dangerous clone in the endgame to help you clinch a victory!
That’s it for our look at the Team Tactics in the Mister Sinister Character Pack. Don’t forget to preorder a copy at your local gaming store or right here on our website! Until next time, this is Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!
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